Ms. Rana AlRushaid sent me a message yesterday informing me of a new application available on the AppStore called “Es’al Emjarib”. It is a Kuwaiti rating application designed to offer you insights on services in Kuwait, including gyms, banks, telecom, restaurants, dental clinics and more!
Click Here to download now from the App store
“إسأل مجرب” هو تطبيق كويتي تم تصميمه لتقييم قطاع الخدمات في الكويت بمختلف أشكالها ، من قطاع الاتصالات و البنوك الي النوادي و المطاعم و غيرهم الكثير. قم بتحميل “إسأل مجرب” واستمتع بمعرفة آراء الآخرين و شاركهم برأيك
I installed it on my phone and played around with it
The app is categorized into many fields which include restaurants/cafes, airlines, nail salons, and more
Another interesting option is participating in their polls
You can view the current ratings and engage in them… read what others reviewed or rated
Check out how the ratings are illustrated… by both; male and female faces with different styles and facial expressions to represent the rating from excellent, to good, average, and poor
To take part in the polls, rating, and voting you have to sign up or login using your twitter or facebook accounts
Join in and follow them on twitter @EsalEmjarib and on Instagram @esal_emjarib